
Text splitting functions.
Source: smallparts/text/

Module contents

This module defines the following function:


Splits unicode_text using the standard library’s str.splitlines() method, and append an empty string at the end (only) if the last line of the original text ends with a line break.
That way, the splitted result can be joined back using a line break character and keep a trailing line break which would be lost if only using str.splitlines().
Raises a TypeError if unicode_text is not a unicode string.

Usage examples

>>> from smallparts.text import split
>>> split.lines_for_reconstruction('first,\nsecond and\nthird line\n')
['first,', 'second and', 'third line', '']
>>> split.lines_for_reconstruction('first,\nsecond and\nthird line')
['first,', 'second and', 'third line']
>>> # for comparison:
>>> 'first,\nsecond and\nthird line\n'.splitlines()
['first,', 'second and', 'third line']
>>> 'first,\nsecond and\nthird line'.splitlines()
['first,', 'second and', 'third line']

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