
Wrappers for command line interface pipelines.
Source: smallparts/

Please note: You can also use this module to just run a single command, but in that case the function is simpler and more suitable.

Module contents


This module uses the standard library’s subprocess module internally. It defines the following “proxy” constants to eliminate the need for an expicit import of subprocess just for accessing these special values:









This exception is raised if a pipeline object is started although it is currently running or has finished.


class smallparts.pipelines.ProcessPipeline(*commands, check=False, input=None, timeout=None, intermediate_stderr=None, execute_immediately=True, **kwargs)

Instances of this class implement a shell pipeline as proposed in the first example of Replacing shell pipeline.

*commands is a sequence of commands to be executed in the pipeline.
Each command can be a sequence of command components or a string.
All commands will be transformed to lists internally. For strings, shlex.split() is used for this purpose.

Pipelines are run immediately unless execute_immediately is set to False!,

**kwargs can be any keyword arguments accepted by subprocess.Popen, plus check (default: False), input and timeout (noth defaulting to None.
Contrary to the subprocess.Popen constructor, the stdout and stderr arguments default to PIPE.



Returns a fresh copy of the current instance. That way, pipelines can be repeated.


Executes the pipeline and sets the instance’s .result attribute to a subprocess.CompletedProcess instance matching the result of the last command in the pipeline.

check, input and timeout may be given as keyword arguments here to override the values from instantiation.

.run(*commands, **kwargs)

Create an instance with the provoded arguments, run it and return the result (i.e. the subprocess.CompletedProcess instance assingned to the instance’s .result attribute) directly.

class smallparts.pipelines.ProcessChain(*commands, check=False, input=None, timeout=None, intermediate_stderr=None, execute_immediately=True, **kwargs)

Instances of this class basically work the same way like ProcessPipeline instances, but the single commands are run sequentially, and all results (subprocess.CompletedProcess instances) are collected in the .all_results attribute unique to this class.

Another significant difference is that input - if provided - is always sent to standard input of the first command, regardless of how many commands there are in the pipeline.

The methods are the same as ProcessPipeline instance and class methods.

Usage examples

>>> from smallparts import pipelines
>>> echo_pipeline = pipelines.ProcessPipeline('echo "x"', ['tr', 'x', 'u'])
>>> echo_pipeline.result
CompletedProcess(args=['tr', 'x', 'u'], returncode=0, stdout=b'u\n', stderr=b'')
>>> # Repeated execution causes an IllegalStateException:
>>> echo_pipeline.execute()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/rainer/projects/github/smallparts/smallparts/", line 163, in execute
    raise IllegalStateException('Please create a new instance'
smallparts.pipelines.IllegalStateException: Please create a new instance using the .repeat() method!
>>> # Use the .repeat() method to "clone" the pipeline instead:
>>> echo_pipeline_2 = echo_pipeline.repeat()
>>> echo_pipeline_2.result
CompletedProcess(args=['tr', 'x', 'u'], returncode=0, stdout=b'u\n', stderr=b'')
>>> echo_chain = pipelines.ProcessChain('echo "x"', ['tr', 'x', 'u'])
>>> echo_chain.result
CompletedProcess(args=['tr', 'x', 'u'], returncode=0, stdout=b'u\n', stderr=b'')

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