
HTML and XML parsers and entity resolvers.
Source: smallparts/markup/

Module contents


class smallparts.markup.parsers.EntityResolver(named_entities=None)

Instances of this class can be used to resolve named entities as well as numeric character references.

Please Note: This class is intended for use with XML to enable resolving user-defined entity references. Although it is possible to use it for resolving HTML entity references by instantiating it like
it might be a better idea to use the standard library function html.unescape() directly.


static method

Resolves the provided decimal or hexadecimal character reference (i.e. the part of a numeric entity notation between &# and ;) to the matching unicode character. Raises a ValueError for invalid references.


Resolves the provided symbolic reference (i.e. the part of an entity notation between & and ;) to the matching replacement. Raises a ValueError for unknown names.


Resolves the provided reference (i.e. the part of an entity notation between & and ;) by dispatching to .resolve_charref if it is numeric (i.e. starts with #) or to .resolve_named_entity otherwise.


Returns source_text wth all valid character references and all known symbolic entity references resolved. Invalid or unknown entities are left as they were.

class smallparts.markup.parsers.HtmlTagStripper(image_placeholders=’with alt text only’, body_reqired=True)

Instances of this class can be used to strip all markup from an HTML document while trying to keep line breaks (but squeezing multiple ones together, as well as other whitespace). When parsing a document, the text contents are stored, and a list of images with all attributes is kept separately.


In addition to the methods inherited or redefined from the base class html.parser.HTMLParser, instances of this class provide the method


Returns a namespaces.Namespace() instance with two attributes:

  1. content: parsed contents so far since the last .reset() call, as a single string.
  2. images: a list of namespaces with attributes for each image since the last .reset() call.
Parsing an HTML document

To strip tags from an HTML document, you can simply call an HtmlTagStripper instance like a functon, with the document as the only argument. This call resets the parsere, parses the document and then returns the .get_snapshot() result.

Usage examples

>>> from smallparts.markup import parsers
>>> xml_resolver = parsers.EntityResolver()
>>> xml_resolver.resolve_all_entities('< & > ö á € ± &special;')
'< & > &ouml; &aacute; € ± &special;'
>>> html_document = """<!DOCTYPE html>
... <html>
... <body>
... <h2>HTML Images</h2>
... <p>HTML images are defined with the img tag:</p>
... <IMG src="w3schools.jpg" alt=""
...  width="104" height="142"> <img src="logo.png">
... </body>
... </html>"""
>>> tag_stripper = parsers.HtmlTagStripper()
>>> result = tag_stripper(html_document)
>>> print(result.content)
HTML Images
HTML images are defined with the img tag:
>>> result.images
[Namespace({'src': 'w3schools.jpg', 'alt': '', 'width': '104', 'height': '142'}), Namespace({'src': 'logo.png'})]
>>> tag_stripper_2 = parsers.HtmlTagStripper(image_placeholders=None)
>>> result_2 = tag_stripper_2(html_document)
>>> # Note how image placeholders are left out of the content;
>>> # however, image data is saved in the list in any case.
>>> print(result_2.content)
HTML Images
HTML images are defined with the img tag:
>>> result_2.images
[Namespace({'src': 'w3schools.jpg', 'alt': '', 'width': '104', 'height': '142'}), Namespace({'src': 'logo.png'})]

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