
XML, XHTML 1.0 and HTML 5 element definitions.
Source: smallparts/markup/

Module contents


This module defines the following constants:


'HTML 5'


'XHTML 1.0 Strict'


'XHTML 1.0 Transitional'




Set of XHTML 1.0 Strict element names


Set of XHTML 1.0 Transitional element names


Set of HTML 5 element names


Set of XHTML 1.0 empty element names


Set of HTML 5 empty element names


class smallparts.markup.elements.XmlElement(tag_name)

Instances of this class act as a function generating an XML element with content and attributes provided when calling the instance.


Instances are called like this:
generated_markup = Instance(*content_fragments, **attributes)
and return the element with the provided attributes, enclosing the content fragments.

class smallparts.markup.elements.XmlBasedHtmlElement(tag_name)

Subclass of XmlElement with the following differences:

class smallparts.markup.elements.HtmlElement(tag_name)

Subclass of XmlBasedHtmlElement for HTML 5 generation. Differences from the parent class:

class smallparts.markup.elements.XhtmlStrictElement(tag_name)

Subclass of XmlBasedHtmlElement for XHTML 1.0 Strict generation. Differences from the parent class:

class smallparts.markup.elements.XhtmlTransitionalElement(tag_name)

Subclass of XhtmlStrictElement for XHTML 1.0 Transitional generation. Differences from the parent class:

class smallparts.markup.elements.Cache(dialect)

Provides an element factories cache.

Instances of this class store the given dialect (which may be one of this module’s _LABEL__ constants) in the ._dialect attribute.
They can be used to generate XML or HTML elements by calling the matching *Element() instance for the dialect. The *Element() instances are generated *on the fly
using the attribute name, and cached in the class attribute .cached_elements. You can call dir() on the instance to get a list of cached elements for the instance dialect only.

See the following examples:

>>> xml_gen = elements.Cache(elements.LABEL_XML)
>>> xml_gen.example_element()
>>> html_gen = elements.Cache(elements.LABEL_HTML_5)
>>> html_gen.p__('paragraph with an ', html_gen.strong('emphasized part'))
'<p>paragraph with an <strong>emphasized part</strong></p>'
>>> elements.Cache.cached_elements
{'HTML 5': {'p': <smallparts.markup.elements.HtmlElement object at 0x7f358459bc40>, 'strong': <smallparts.markup.elements.HtmlElement object at 0x7f358431c9d0>}, 'XHTML 1.0 Strict': {}, 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional': {}, 'XML': {'example-element': <smallparts.markup.elements.XmlElement object at 0x7f358437d0a0>}}
>>> dir(xml_gen)
>>> dir(html_gen)
['p', 'strong']

Please note:

Usage examples

>>> from smallparts.markup import elements
>>> # XML example: Note the different treatment of attributes
>>> # depending on their value (None, scalar value or True)
>>> xml_example = elements.XmlElement('tag_name')
>>> xml_example()
>>> xml_example('content', attribute_1=None, attribute_2='value', attribute_3=True)
'<tag-name attribute-2="value" attribute-3="attribute-3">content</tag-name>'
>>> # invalid HTML example: tag name not in the set of allowed element names
>>> html_example = elements.HtmlElement('tag_name')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "………/smallparts/markup/", line 321, in __init__
    super(XmlBasedHtmlElement, self).__init__(tag_name)
  File "………/smallparts/markup/", line 234, in __init__
    raise ValueError('Unsupported element name {0!r}'.format(
ValueError: Unsupported element name 'tag-name'
>>> # valid HTML example: Note the treatment of the special attributes
>>> # __class__ (for a single class) and __classes__ (for a sequence of classes).
>>> html_div = elements.HtmlElement('div')
>>> html_div('content', __class__='blue')
'<div class="blue">content</div>'
>>> html_div('content', __classes__=('with-border', 'bold'), id_='annotation')
'<div id="annotation" class="bold with-border">content</div>'
>>> # empty elements ignore the provided content
>>> html_br = elements.HtmlElement('br')
>>> html_br()
>>> html_br('content')
>>> # empty attributes in HTML 5:
>>> html_option = elements.HtmlElement('option')
>>> html_option('display value', value='submit_value', selected=True)
'<option value="submit_value" selected>display value</option>'
>>> # lang= duplicated as xml:lang= in XHTML:
>>> xhtml_p = elements.XhtmlStrictElement('p')
>>> xhtml_p('text in paragraph', lang='en')
'<p lang="en" xml:lang="en">text in paragraph</p>'
>>> xhtml_p()
>>> # Cache examples
>>> XHTML = elements.Cache(elements.LABEL_XHTML_1_0_STRICT)
>>> XHTML.fieldset(XHTML.legend('Task details', lang='en'), '\n', XHTML.label('Please select the due date: ', XHTML.input(type='date', name='due_date')))
'<fieldset><legend lang="en" xml:lang="en">Task details</legend>\n<label>Please select the due date: <input type="date" name="due_date" /></label></fieldset>'
>>> dir(XHTML)
['fieldset', 'input', 'label', 'legend']

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